My Blog Overfloweth!

So here's where you'll find all of my "non-traveling" related posts ~
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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Tag - I'm It!

I've been tagged...I already have a tag which clearly states; "model #35984"...but hey, I’m game...I'll play! I mean, what else I am supposed to do while sitting around in the Apache, Arizona Post Office waiting to be rescued from the Unclaimed Package Bin?! YES...that’s right! Can you imagine?, Olga the Traveling Bra?...stuck in a God-forsaken place such as this?!? It's deja vu all over again!
Well, at least I have this little game now to help keep my mind busy, thanks to Michelle!

Here are the rules to this meme game:

1. Link to the blogger who tagged me; that would be Michelle at My Menopausal Musings;
2. List 8 random facts about myself;
3. Tag 8 people, listing their names and linking to their blogs; and
4. Let them know they've been 'tagged' by commenting on their blogs.


1. I KNOW for a FACT that my “ex” still hasn’t fully gotten over me...and never will.

2. I despise high school reunions...just read my Amazing & 100% TRUE Story and you'll see why.
And I’m not too keen on the US Postal Service at the moment either.

3. I will answer (almost) any question submitted to my Dear Olga advice column.

4. I am inexplicably and udderly attracted to cows, and sometimes bulls...?

5. Still hoping to make it to Sugar Tit, South Carolina someday.

6. Dogs, in general, freak me out - but nothing can make me fall apart faster than an Airedale Retriever. YIKES!

7. I thank God for the privilege of being the worlds 1st and only Traveling Bra and pray every day for the liberation of all oppressed, lonely and otherwise forgotten lingerie (and unclaimed packages) everywhere. (Damn, it is HOT in here!)

8. Last, but certainly not least; 36...DD.

OK, it's my turn...TAG!'re it!:
(Please check out these funny and well-written blogs)
Lisa at OMYWORD!
Lobo at Predator Press
Kuanyin at Blog-Blonde
Marty at Chickaboomer
Stealth at No Middle Ground Here
Drowsy Monkey at Drowsy Monkey
JOolian at just jOolian ~ hippocampus hi-jinx
Andy at The Astonishing Adventures of Lord Likely

Now, I'm really looking forward to getting outta this hell-hole, taking a bath, and checking out The Grand Canyon State! Ta-Ta! (for now!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!