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Friday, December 5, 2008

7 Things About Not About Me Meme!

Whilst (still!) traveling from Norway to my next destination...
70'steen tagged me with a meme...dang it! what great timing!....thinking up stuff to reveal has really helped take my mind off the fact that I've been stuck in the same uncomfortable position inside this cramped envelope for well over a week now...arg! aching straps!

Anyhoo....I've decided ya'll know enough about me (for now) so I tweaked the meme just a tad to shed a little light on someone whom I've had to put UP with for years....can you guess WHO?


1. As a child, she met Charles Schultz, the creator of Peanuts, at his home/studio in Santa Rosa, California and he graciously drew and autographed a picture of Snoopy for her.

(But this is not it)

2. One of the many bad habits skills she acquired during college was beer chugging...(even while standing on her head!)....which earned her the dubious title of Chico State 1978 Pioneer Week Beer Chugging CHAMPION! She started training early
(but this is not actually her)

3. Coincidentally, that same year, she missed registration for the next semester 'cuz she was "too busy" tubing down the Sacramento River practicing her "skills" & she just took the semester off...and never went back. (someday she will....)

4. She loves this movie...especially this scene!

5. She puts peanut butter on her BLT sandwiches. HEY! Don't knock it 'til you've tried it!

6. Believe it or not, she once lived on...
(no comment)

7. She is not fond of heights. Nor does she like driving in the fog...or at night. She really doesn't like driving across bridges....and she hates windy (winedy?..windey?...windee?...WHINE-DEE?!?) mountain roads.
*Check out this SHORT video and you'll see why!

GOSH...This was fun!

Oh, and TAG - you're it!...if you want...

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