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Saturday, November 3, 2007

A Trip Down Mammary Lane

Did you know that THE BRA turned 100 years old this year?! Yep, in 1907, Vogue Magazine coined the word "brassiere" to describe what is now commonly known as the "bra." Or, if you happen to be a 14 year-old boy, (or maybe just think like one), the "over-shoulder-boulder-holder" or "upper-decker-flopper-stopper"...or, as Dorky Dad has so affectionately referred to wife's bra collection, "those #*%$ obstacles!"

The first actual bra (my great-great-great grandbra, Ima Holdinemfromfloppin) was born in 1913 when a clever young New York socialite, Mary Phelps Jacobs, stitched together a couple of hankies and some pink seen in this video...

...needless to say, Mary's design was a big hit with her girlfriends, and soon everyone wanted one...on November 3, 1914 Mary was awarded a U.S. Patent for her udderly brilliant invention...and well, the rest is his herstory!

THE BRA has endured a lot of ups and downs over the past see for yourself, check out this excerpt from the Secret History of Bras recently shown on the National Geographic Channel...

...and if that wasn't titillating enough for ya, then perhaps you'd like to feast your eyes upon the real reason we BRAS have been hanging around and putting up with your stuff for the past 100 YEARS!!!
(Note: This video isn't appropriate for children.)

Now, go give your favorite BRA a great big hug and tell her CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done!

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