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Monday, December 3, 2007

Sending Out An S.O.S.

MedStudentWife of Another Day In Paradise is one verrrry smart, funny lady...but she's also a BIG TEASE and stubborn as the day is long! She's been taunting me for weeks with the promise of a couple of nice, warm, fur cup-liners (which would be oh-so-cozy this winter!) IF I'd come pay her a visit. Sounds great! Let's GO! Oh, but here's the catch: she won't tell me where she lives!
All she's given me (besides a big pain in the cups) is some sort of geographical-navigation-mumbo-jumbo...called a "UTM code?" I've searched online for help deciphering it and all I've found is THIS! WTF?!? I am a bra, dang it (albeit a very bodacious Traveling Bra) - not a Rocket Scientist!!!

So if anyone out there can tell me what this big ol' honkin' UTM code means...I will be eternally grateful! It is 18T04465875031107.

I might even throw in a little reward!

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