My Blog Overfloweth!

So here's where you'll find all of my "non-traveling" related posts ~
(Memes, quiz's, contests, and other fun stuff!)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dona Nobis Pacem

In the Fall of 2006, Mimi Lenox of Mimi Writes wrote this simple post,
and thus began Blog Blast for Peace, a semi-annual event where bloggers worldwide are encouraged to customize and simultaneously post a beautiful Peace Globe on their blogs.
Here's my show of support!
Mimi writes: "Wouldn't it be AWESOME if on one particular day...All bloggers everywhere signed their blog name across a globe and all posted the SAME POST on the SAME DAY...What IF...every person who clicked through the blogosphere saw hundreds - even thousands - of posts that said the SAME THING? What IF...every post was simply titled "Dona Nobis Pacem" (Latin for "Grant Us Peace") with a picture of our big beautiful world in the body of the post with each blogger's name screaming a great big GRANT US PEACE? The Peace Globe. What if...we added the power of the written word - and our blog names - to the face of our world? Simple. And powerful."
Thank you Mimi!
To get your own Peace Globe, please click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Though I missed the June 4th, I will still post it and back date it. Thanks for following my post on BC