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Monday, June 2, 2008

Elvis, the Traveling Dog ~ PETALUMA, California

Meet Elvis!
...isn't he handsome?!
Elvis is a Minature Pinscher and The Mayor's right hand man ~ therefore, he travels everywhere with The Mayor. But Elvis also has a knack for getting his wee paws into a bit of trouble now and then, so I thought the two busy guys-on-the-go might appreciate this nifty dog-carrier! It was part of the cool prize package I received from winning the Name the Traveling Dog Panties contest at Cuppa Writing for the Soul....and is courtesy of DoggyTug dog toys. As you can see, Elvis really digs it.
Elvis also thinks DoggyTug tug toys are grrrr...grrrrrrr...grrrrrrrreat!
But keeping up with The Mayor's busy schedule, and looking so
doggone handsome all the time is hard work! Time for a little nap.
(I bet his dreaming about a cat...he hates that cat...)

PS: The video of my blog-mistress' cRaZy dog, Lainie, playing with her DoggyTug tug toy is now featured on the DoggyTug website! Check it out!

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